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Loconoma Valley High School

Home of the Labrador

Mrs. Buchholz's LVHS Page


Paula Buchholz                                                 

Contact Information:
Email Address:                   

Classroom Phone:  (707) 987-4170      

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and  the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live.  

 – Dalai Lama









Welcome Letter


Dear Loconoma families,


Welcome to our Loconoma community. Loconoma is an in-person school five days a week for at least three hours each day, starting at 8 a.m. For those few students on Independent Study, there is a contract that must be agreed to, which includes rules with respect to attendance and performance on Edgenuity.

It is imperative that each student and each parent or guardian provide me with working phone numbers and email addresses because Kristin or I may need to contact some students and families daily.  It's very important and useful for students and parents/guardians to check their emails regularly for timely information.

Everything you do at Loconoma, in order to participate, matters, either attendance-wise or grade-wise or both. Your Edgenuity work can be tracked through the Edgenuity system. IS students, I have scheduled three weekly Meets whereby I can assist you with some of the material because Google Meet has a screen sharing capability. For example, if you have math that you don’t understand, we can look at it together. Nice, right?

You may also keep a PE Log for credit if need be - this can be PE or Elective credit. AR reading is done in class for credit, but can also be done at home and the AR quizzes taken in class or I can provide a book report assignment if your book isn't on the AR list. Seniors, you'll be required to complete a resume and the budget activity on Each of you also has a Community Service hours requirement based on how long you've been enrolled in the district.

Look for more emails from me with anything you might need to know. Feel free to call me in the classroom at (707) 987-4170 or leave a message. Together, we’ll flourish. Please take the time to establish a school routine so that you are able to stay on track. IS students, try to select the area in your home which is most conducive to working without distractions. If you have device or access issues, let's attend to those immediately so that things run smoothly as we proceed through the semester. I am excited to be your teacher and will endeavor to make sure that you receive all the help you need.


Ms. B.


Employment Training and Assistance Sites:


California Development Department (Youth Employment Opportunity Program): See

Lake County Office of Education/Adult Career Technical Education: see

Job Corps Career Training Programs: visit

California Career Zone Resume and Employment Assistance:

California Conservation Corps: see

California Department of Education:


South Lake County Employers:


Hardester's Markets and Hardwear: –

Grocery Outlet:  –

Safeway: –

Walmart:  –

Bruno's Shop Smart: –

Hospice Services of Lake County:  –

Hidden Valley Lake Association: –

Twin Pine Casino:–

Scully Packing Company: ***Seasonal work for kids 16 and over


Class Links

Accelerated Reader: See Here

Edgenuity link: Edgenuity

Loconoma Valley High School Website: –

Woodland College, Lake County Campus: visit and contact person -




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